Erfolgreicher Start des TopQM VDA6.3 Expert Forums!

Das TopQM VDA6.3 Expert Forum hat am 26.06.2023 einen erfolgreichen Start hingelegt. Das Interesse war enorm, und wir konnten einen großen Teilnehmerkreis begrüßen.

Successful start of the TopQM VDA6.3 Expert Forum
Dear readers,

We are pleased to present a brief report on the successful launch of the TopQM VDA6.3 Expert Forum. The forum was met with great interest and registered a large group of participants consisting of subject matter experts and interested parties.

The forum was characterized by a very well-chosen and structured concept, which allowed participants to deepen their knowledge and exchange ideas with other experts. The event included interesting real-life case studies that served to discuss practical solutions for the application of the VDA6.3 standard.

We are proud to say that the feedback from the participants was positive all around. The structured design of the forum and the practice-oriented case studies were particularly praised. The participants appreciated the opportunity to expand their knowledge and gain new insights into the world of quality management according to VDA6.3.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all participants for their active participation and valuable contributions. We are very pleased that the TopQM VDA6.3 Expert Forum was so well received.